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Museum Collection

“The Don Still-Life” by Igor Rebrov

The collection comprising 8 works of art by a young Rostov artist Igor Rebrov was joined the holding of the State M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve in December, 2003.

The artist graduated from the Rostov M.B. Grekov School of Art, then from the Saint-Petersburg Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, the faculty of painting. Now Igor Rebrov lives and works in Rostov-on-Don.

He participated in many exhibitions in Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don. His works were highly appreciated not only by art amateurs, but also by professionals. He was awarded the medal and prize of the Artists’ Union of Russia and “The Academy Diploma” of the Academy of Fine Arts of Russia.

In his creative work the artist prefers the still-life and portrait. There are no fanciful items in his works, all the things are simple and unsophisticated, they are radiant with warmth and sincerity.

The collection presents two still-lifes by the artist: “The Don Still-Life” and “The Hunter’s Room of M.A. Sholokhov”.

“The Don Still-Life” devoted to “the memory of the 17th Don Cossack regiment of general Baklanov” was painted by Igor in Saint-Petersburg in 1997. It was successfully exhibited in the halls of the Academy of Fine Arts and of the Saint-Petersburg Union of Artists and was acknowledged at the All-Russian exhibition entitled “In Your Name” held in Moscow in 2001.

While working over the sill-life the artist carefully selected the subject material preferring genuine historic things capable of complete revealing the author’s conception. This work is a song to glorious exploits of the Cossacks in the war of 1914.

The still-life “The Hunter’s Room of M.A. Sholokhov” is painted in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya in 2002. This work depicts the writer’s personal belongings which keep the warmth of his hands including the things M.A. Sholokhov took for hunting.

The still-life is full of deep content and purport. Every detail is thought of and depicted thoroughly.

The works of the artist were exhibited in The People’s House of the Museum-Reserve in 2005.

Valentina Leonova 

  1. Igor Rebrov “The Don Still-Life”. Canvas, oil. 35,7x27,5; 23,2x13,5. КП-11350.
  2. Igor Rebrov “The Hunter’s Room of M.A. Sholokhov”. Canvas, oil. 70x56. КП-11349.