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Museum Collection

Russian Leather (Uft) Boots

For hunting and fishing outings M.A.Sholokhov used to wear Russian leather (uft) boots, which were comfortable and waterproof.

The uft leather boots are durable, keep well in the intensive everyday wear; they are used in conditions of moist ground, water and wetlands. They were used in everyday life, in farming and fishery.

The front and top of such boots make one part (a drawing out), which during the production process gets a volume and is moulded into the form of a boot front, which then is cut out again and finished. The blanks of the boots were sewn together only along the back line and had no seam fastening the boot front with the top, that enhanced their water resistance. For greater stability the tops were elongated ending in a bell-mouth, and between the top leather cover and the lining in the front part of the boot there was laid a bovine bladder.

The uft boots of the writer’s belongings were added to the Museum collection in 2013.

Svetlana Diyachenko
Marina Pribytkova