“And Quiet Flows the Don” with the Writer’s Autograph
The fly-leaf of the first volume of the Italian edition of ...
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NewsYear of Theatre is Opened in Russia13.12.2018The Year of Theatre was officially given a start on December 13, 2018, in all regions of Russia. The main events of it are aimed at preserving and promoting the best national theatre traditions and achievements. “Theatre is the great art, if it comes from the life, from the truth”, – said M.A.Sholokhov at the meeting with the staff of the Rostov M.Gorky Drama Theatre in 1963. The work of the writer was widely embodied in theatre art and found a stage life. Many drama and musical performances in Russia and abroad were based on Sholokhov’s works and continue living on the stage. In his early years M.A.Sholokhov wrote for the stage performances, acted in the Karghin People’s Theatre. In 1936, he initiated a creation of a folk theater in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, helped by advice and deed and was proud of the actors’ success. During the year the theatre gave 61 performances, which were visited by 21000 viewers. In 2019, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is 35, and a number of interesting events will be dedicated to the Year of Theatre in Russia and the Museum’s anniversary. The theme of theatre will be reflected in the program of the All-Russian literary folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” including big exhibitions, contests and workshops for children, museum classes “We Go to the Theatre”. In the Year of Theatre in Russia and the 35th anniversary the Museum-Reserve will entertain the visitors with interesting projects and will give a number of literary meetings for the wide public.
Tatyana Nektova |