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Send New Year Greetings “From Sholokhov’s House with Love”!


During December 13, 2018, – January 13, 2019, the Memorial House of M.A.Sholokhov in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya opened an exhibition “Happy New Year!” showing the greeting postcards sent to M.A.Sholokhov and his family before the New Year holidays by their relatives, friends, journals, publishers from different regions of the country and abroad.

Having been opened for the third time the exhibition has become traditional. Annually the postcard exhibits are different – there were lots of greetings, and each of them is worthy of special attention.

Viewing these cards you can study the stages of the USSR history. In 1957, the first artificial earth satellite was launched into space, and that fact was immediately reflected in New Year postcards. The era of space exploration began, and the postcards showed Father Frost in the images of cosmonauts. The development of the north started, and Father Frost was shown with a Soviet Flag at the North Pole. Sport achievements of the great country were also reflected in postcards. The leaders of the country sent postcards with pictures of the Kremlin and Red Square. Palekh pictured postcards were also very popular. The favourite theme of Palekh masters was the fairy tale, and New Year is always associated with the magic of the fairy tale.

Opening the exhibition started a run of classes “From Sholokhov House with Love!” for students and other visitors to learn about New Year holidays in the Sholokhovs’ family, the greeting cards sent to Mikhail Alexandrovich before the holidays, about the history of postcards in our country, and to write greeting retro-cards and send them around Russia just from the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov.

In class, the students are asked to read the text of the postcard sent to the writer, to mark how the addressant addresses the addressee, how the cards are signed. Then they are offered to write their greetings in the postcard for their relatives and friends thus practicing in the epistolary style. Most of the students wrote postcard greetings for the first time.

Anyone can post a greeting card from the Memorial House of M.A.Sholokhov. This year, the visitors are offered 4 kinds of retro-postcards, exact copies of those sent to the writer. They were made by the artists V.Zarubin, A.Boikov, A.Tyurin. Besides, there were fine photo postcards made by K.Pashinyan showing the sights of the writer’s Estate.

Remember to send greetings in the exclusive New Year postcards to your family and friends. It is easy and interesting to do it from the Memorial House of M.A.Sholokhov!


Lidiya Slyusarenko
Yelena Popova