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Christmas Eve 2019 in Sholokhov-Centre


During January 4–6, 2019, on Christmas Eve, a festival “#СОЧЕЛЬНИК2019” will take place in Sholokhov-Centre of Rostov-on-Don.

Celebrations, folk groups’ performance and a fair will take place in the coach house of Sholokhov-Centre. Here, like in old times, craftsmen and restaurateurs, culinary specialists, farmers and artists will be able to show their singing and dancing skills to the public. The guests will be entertained and presented to any taste and will be warmed with a traditional winter drink – sbiten prepared according to the old Russian recipes.

On the ground floor of the mansion the guests will see an exhibition “My Dear, Dear Family…” with the exhibits brought from the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Most of them will be shown in the city for the first time. In the attic the guests will be shown performances, Christmas films and cartoons. Here workshops for children and adults will be held. An original thematic quest will join all the areas into one cognitive space.

We welcome residents and guests of the city to Sholokhov-Centre (at the intersection of Bolshaya Sadovaya and Krepostnoy) during January 4–6, 2019, from 11.00 till 20.00.

Free admission

For detailed information contact 8(863)210-90-15 and the page of Sholokhov-Centre in Instagram: instagram.com/sholokhov_center.