A “Nobel Prize” Photo of Sholokhov
In the December of 1965 M.A. Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum was the 12th in “My Favourite Museum” Online Vote05.12.2018The portal “Культура РФ” announced a completion of the first All-Russian online vote “My Favourite Museum” joined by over 1600 Russian museums. The winner of the national rating became the museum-exhibition complex “New Jerusalem”. One of the top-5 was the Azov Museum-Reserve, and the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was the 12th. The online vote “My Favourite Museum” organized under the support of the RF Ministry of Culture was held for the first time, during November 4–26, 2018. Within the three contest weeks each visitor of the portal “Культура РФ” could vote for his favourite museum. During the voting, the interim results were published weekly for everyone to be able to track how the situation in the leaderboard changed. The list of the top-50 museums of Russia is available in the portal “Культура РФ” by link. During the voting period the friends of the museums from different regions made publications on their pages with a hashtag #мойлюбимыймузей (#myfavouritemuseum) and it all united us. Probably this is the main result. We thank all who voted for our Museum!
Olga Bakhtiyarova |