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NewsPresentation of the Tourist Potential of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov29.11.2018During October and November, 2018, the workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov met with the heads of rural settlements, representatives of schools and other educational institutions, leaders of the organizations and enterprises of the Sovetsky, Chertkovo and Belokalitvensky districts and told about the cultural and patriotic potential of the Sholokhov District. Based on the example of the life of M.A.Sholokhov the Museum is working to foster patriotism in the younger generation and to preserve the Don cultural heritage by means of the museum facilities and opportunities. Having a developed infrastructure the Museum-Reserve offers the visitors not only excursion service, but also a wide variety of tourist services. The presentation of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov was a success, it caused a lot of friendly comments and positive emotions. We thank the heads of the administrations – E.S.Shchepelev, the Sovetsky District, O.I.Podgornaya, the Chertkovo District, V.E.Shevchenko, the Kamensk District, and O.A.Melnikova, the Belokalitvensky District, for assistance in organization and holding the meetings.
Yelena Illyichova |