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“Turgenev. Today!” in Sholokhov Museum


On December 4, 2018, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov as a partner of the federal project “Theatre Russia” took part in the show of the world premiere of the performance “Turgenev.Today!” dedicated to the anniversary of the great Russian writer. On this day, the performance of the cinema version is shown on 1000 screens in different parts of Russia and the Russian cultural centres abroad – in Spain, Italy, Poland, Latvia, Azerbaijan and other countries.

The performance was shown in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, in the Information and Administrative Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, where the museum workers and visitors gathered.

“Turgenev. Today!” is a performance-dedication to the classic of the national and world literature on the eve of his 200th anniversary. It unites all arts and genres: theatre, cinema, music, dance, vocal, painting and video-art. The performance is based on the memories, letters and documents of the writer, his family, friends, colleagues and contemporaries.

The cultural charity project “Turgenev. Today!” was made within the project ”Theatre Russia” under the support of the Presidential Grant Foundation, RF Ministry of Culture and the company “Gazprom Trans Gaz Moskva”, charity foundations “Peace and Harmony” and “Cultural Seasons”. The performance was initiated by Elmira Shcherbakova, the leader of the successful project “Theatre Russia”. The director of the performance is Gleb Cherepanov. The performance is joined by the leading actors and actresses of the Moscow theatres: Lyubov Rudenko, Anatoly Rudenko, Andrey Bolsunov, Yelena Dudina, Juliet Goering, Denis Dyomin, Anastasiya Spektor, Vasilisa Kuzmina and the graduates of the Moscow Theatre School of Oleg Tabakov.