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Sholokhov Museum Shows in Rostov an Exhibition “My Dear, Dear Family…”


On December 21, 2018, a new exhibition “My Dear, Dear Family…” will open in Sholokhov-Centre of Rostov-on-Don. The exhibition presents unique memorial objects which will take the visitors into the world of the family of the great writer, into the atmosphere of the hospitable house at the Estate in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, where the Sholokhov family lived from 1949.

Studying the literary heritage of the Nobel Prize winner M.A.Sholokhov the admirers of his talent and the fresh readers of his works are interested in his life, surroundings and the atmosphere reigning in his house during the host’s life and favouring him for creative work. All these can be known while visiting the exhibition in Sholokhov-Centre.

The Sholokhovs, Mikhail Alexandrovich and Mariya Petrovna, had lived together 60 years of their happy family life, raised four children. The visitors will be shown a lounge. A lot of events in the writer’s family life were connected with this room. Here, reception of delegations, ceremonies of awarding Mikhail Alexandrovich national and foreign prizes and awards took place. On arrival days of children and grandchildren, the large Sholokhov family gathered in this room at the dinner table, and New Year parties also took place here.

The writer’s family had a good tradition to send New Year greeting cards to their relatives and friends. And the Sholokhovs received many greetings too. The exhibition shows the postcards of the 1950–1980s, which are kept in the stores of the Museum.

Mikhail Alexandrovich said: “…I have immortalized myself properly: I have four memorial monuments!..” Each of the children found his way in life. How they grew, were brought up, developed, what hobbies they had, what they gained in life – all these will be told by the photos, letters, documents and memorial objects.

One of the halls is devoted to the library of M.A.Sholokhov. In 1980, it contained over 6000 volumes including the world and national classics, books of collected poetry, books on history, geography, books about adventures and travels. About 500 of them, with the autographs of his contemporaries, were presented to him in different years.

Welcome to the exhibition “My Dear, Dear Family…” which will run in Sholokhov-Centre during December 21, 2018, – February 24, 2019.


Irina Koveshnikova