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Pomegranate Holiday in Sholokhov-Centre


On November 24, 2018, Sholokhov-Centre of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve jointly with the Rostov regional public organization “Azerbaijani Community” made a grand Pomegranate Holiday.

The theme of preservation of traditions and friendship of the peoples was the main feature of the event. Andrey Valentinovich Kelarev, Chief Specialist of the Committee on International Affairs, Religion and Cossacks, noted that “Today’s holiday is not only a holiday of Azerbaijanis now representing practically all the communities, and this shows that in the Rostov Region all the nationalities live together in peace and harmony”. That was confirmed by Vagif Rzayevich Mustafayev, Head of the Azerbaijani Community, who underlined the importance of the fact that in the Don capital the cultures of different nationalities are combined so harmoniously – “not mixing, but highlighting the best features of their representatives”.

The Azerbaijani Community was congratulated by the representatives of the Ukrainian, Korean, Russian, Afghan, Armenian, Georgian, Belarusian, Kyrgyz, Polish, and Tatar diasporas. The holiday was honoured with heartfelt songs, national legends and fiery dances performed.

A special attention at the holiday was paid to the exhibition of children drawings made by over a hundred of young artists who showed their vision of the main symbol of the holiday.

The guests were attracted by the table abundantly presenting national Azerbaijani sweets, pomegranate juice and, of course, the pomegranate itself. In the centre of the table there was a big pomegranate cake. Each guest was generously treated.

In conclusion, Yelena Nikolayevna Kozhukhova, Mayor of Rostov-on-Don, on behalf of the City Administration thanked the Azerbaijani Community and its leader personally for the wonderful opportunity for the city to join the Azerbaijani culture, traditions and customs.


Anastasiya Bezuglova
Dmitry Anistratenko