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Action “Museum for All!” in the People’s House


On November 30, 2018, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov will hold a museum class “A Cossack Hamlet” in the exhibition and excursion centre “People’s House” within the All-Russian inclusive action “Museum for All!” The class will be given for children with disabilities, their families, friends and all others.

The project participants, all together, will paint Don horses with bright colours on a big canvas. Each of the members can take part in the creative process and bring his vision of the landscape. The bravest creative solutions are welcome! The museum pedagogues will help to choose the most convenient drawing technique.

In the cinema of the People’s House the action participants will be shown video films about Sholokhov country, about the Museum-Reserve structures and Museum holidays. This will be followed by pleasure driving in the horse-drawn carriages around the stanitsa.