A Portrait of M.A. Sholokhov
It is a crosslet embroidery work, a present to Sholokhov on ...
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News“Ecoznaika” Visiting Kindergarten Children23.11.2018On November 22, 2018, the workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov held an interactive class “Wintering of Forest Animals” for the children of kindergarten 2 “Romashka” of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. This meeting was one of the cycle of environmental meetings “Visiting Ecoznaika”. In class, the preschool children learned about seasonal changes in the life of forest animals: for example, to survive the winter cold some of them lie in hibernation, others dress in a warmer coat, birds fly to warm countries. The children listened with interest to the story telling how fluffy tail serves a warm blanket for the fox in frosty winter, how it is difficult for elks and deer to get feed in snowy winter. The children learned more about wintering of forest animals and understood that many of them can’t do without man’s help.
Yevgeniya Kharitonova |