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Young People Read Sholokhov


The VIII open city educational youth scientific-practical conference “Sholokhov Readings” joined by students and young teachers of Rostov-on-Don and the Rostov Region was held on November 11, 2018, in Sholokhov-Centre.

The conference is held from 2011. It is aimed at active involvement of the younger generation in the cultural and historical heritage of Russia, its spiritual and moral potential through an in-depth and multilateral study of the artistic heritage of the great Russian writer, a classic of the world literature M.A.Sholokhov.

The author of the project and a scientific consultant of the youth “Sholokhov Readings” is Nikolay Ivanovich Stopchenko, Doctor of Culturology, academician of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences (Saint-Petersburg), a teacher-organizer and leader of the section “Life and Work of M.A.Sholokhov” in the Don Academy of Sciences of Young Researchers Named after Y.A.Zhdanov”. Thanks to the organizational talent and dedication of Nikolay Ivanovich the conference is held at a high level. The circle of its participants is constantly expanding, and in recent years, not only students of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, additional education institutions of Rostov-on-Don and the region, but also undergraduate and graduate students of the Rostov universities, young teachers of schools and additional education pedagogues take part in it.

The youth “Sholokhov Readings” provide the work in several aspects: presentation of talks by young researchers of all categories on the problematics, poetics, figurative system of the works by M.A.Sholokhov; talks and discussions in the “Pedagogical Lounge” where young teachers exchange their experience in the study of the writer’s heritage; meetings in the literary lounge ”How our Word will be Responded…”, where young reciters perform fragments from the works by M.A.Sholokhov and dedicated to him poems and songs; dramatization based on the writer’s short stories and fragments of the novels, where young actors reveal one of the interesting themes “M.A.Sholokhov on the Theatre Stage”; a vernissage of works by young artists showing their figurative vision of the characters and events described in Sholokhov’s works.

The organizers of the readings pay a special attention to the formation in the younger generation an active life position, social responsibility for caring attitude to the cultural heritage of Russia.

The most important task of the conference is spreading the work of the Russian writer in his home country and abroad, searches for new forms of the work with young people and expansion of the age limit of the participants. The youth “Sholokhov Readings” are intended to create conditions for the consistent introduction of young people to the spiritual values of Russian culture and pride for its achievements. And it is a success, as this interesting forum has a wide range of participants and a high level of the works presented.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov warmly thanks N.I.Stopchenko for his big work on organizing the conference, spreading the work of the great writer and inculcation of love for the mother tongue and literature in the younger generation. As well, we express our gratitude to the educational institutions, the leaders of the young researchers, teachers of the additional education and all those who took an active part in the youth ”Sholokhov Readings”.


Olga Bakhtiyarova