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New Exhibition in the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov


A new permanent exhibition “A Wing.Summer Kitchen of the Sholokhovs” telling about the family home life of the Sholokhovs is opened in the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov.

The wing located in the eastern part of the Estate is a one-storey building designed in the Cossack traditional style. It housed a kitchen, a bath and utility rooms. During the 2017–2018, the building was restored, and early in November 2018, the wing was opened for visit.

The exhibition “A Wing. Summer Kitchen of the Sholokhovs” consists of two rooms – a kitchen and a lounge.

In the kitchen there is preserved a Russian stove. The visitors will see tableware used by the Sholokhovs in the kitchen: a charcoal samovar, cast iron pans, pots, sauce-pans, roaster, and pottery. On the shelves, on the bench, in the table drawers one can see various kitchen utensils: ladles, a colander, cans for bulk products, a cabbage chopper, a cheese cutter, a fish scaler. On the table there is a Finnish slicer, a present from the family friend A.A.Borodavkin. A special attraction is a hot-water doll, a personal belonging of the cook A.A.Dolgova.

In the lounge there are unique exhibits – an iron bed and a blanket from the prewar house of the Sholokhovs. These are the things of the 1930s, which were taken by the hosts to the evacuation and have miraculously survived by the present days.

Visiting the wing the guests will get into the atmosphere of the Sholokhovs’ home life, will know about favourite dishes of the family, about their cook Anna Antonovna Dolgova – Nyura, Annushka, as they affectionately called her in the family, – an uncommon, kind and cheerful woman, who lived with the Sholokhovs more than 45 years and was considered a member of the family.

Welcome to the exhibition “A Wing. Summer Kitchen of the Sholokhovs”!


Yelena Popova