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NewsNew Materials about M.A.Sholokhov14.11.2018The stores of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov keep a collection of notes made by K.I.Priyma, the well-known Sholokhov scholar, donated to the Museum by his widow L.I.Vereshkova. The collection contains 28 documents: recording of conversations with M.A. Sholokhov during 1967 – 1982, plans of talks with the writer and a list of questions to be addressed to him, texts of telephone conversations with M.A.Sholokhov. The materials collected reveal to the researchers numerous interesting details of the writer’s literary biography, his attitude to the literary criticism about him. For example, the recorded conversation between K.I.Priyma and M.A.Sholokhov in his house in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya on April 14, 1967, (the talk began at 8:05) runs as follows: “I gave M.A.Sholokhov leather-bound books “And Quiet Flows the Don” – a present from the translator Antonio Gavalda (Spain), read aloud his letter sent to me informing about his finishing a book “Thoughts about Sholokhov”. The writer asked K.Priyma to send to the translator his novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” with an autograph: “To Antonio Gavalda. With appreciation. M.Sholokhov. 14.4.67. St.Vyoshenskaya. A.Gavalda is known to be one of the Spanish scholars who formed Sholokhov literary studies in Spain. Another document “Protocol of conversation with M.A.Sholokhov of journalist K.Priyma, the author of the manuscript “The Quiet Don is Fighting”, and N.A.Trifonova, the Rostizdat editor, in the presence of P.Y. Chukarin, a secretary of M.A.Sholokhov. Vyoshenskaya. July 27, 1967” lets us know about the writer’s attitude to publication of his books abroad. In some of the documents K.I.Priyma quotes letters written by Sholokhov in his presence.
Lyudmila Razogreyeva |