A Sketch for the Film “The Quiet Don”
A sketch “Grigory and Aksiniya” made by Boris Dulenkov for the ...
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NewsAnniversary of the Upper Don Region06.11.2018A celebration meeting of the Upper Don residents within the holiday events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of foundation the Upper Don Region of the Great Don Army was held on November 2, 2018, in the Palace of Culture in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Before the event began, its participants attended three interesting travelling exhibitions. One of them was dedicated to the coming 100th anniversary of the Vyoshenskaya Cossack insurrection; the second one prepared by the history teachers of the stanitsa’s pedagogical college was a series of old photos of the residents of Vyoshenskaya and its villages; the third exhibition consisting of items of Cossack uniforms and hand-made souvenirs was prepared by the workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. A stationary exposition “Yelansky Bridgehead” was opened for that period. Following it the members of the celebrations laid flowers at the Memorial Cross erected in honour of the numerous Cossacks-victims in wars and conflicts, at the monument to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War. The solemn meeting began with bringing in the banner, the performance of the Don Army anthem and with a common prayer. The head of the Sholokhov District Administration O.N.Delnov addressed the audience thanking all the active participants of the Cossack movement. The audience was read a greeting address of V.G.Goncharov, the ataman of the All-Russian Cossack Society “Great Don Army”. Then an awarding ceremony began. The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was awarded a military diploma “For active participation in organizing and holding the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Upper Don Region”. The diploma was handed in to the Museum-Reserve Director O.A.Anistratenko. G.I.Vechorkin, the permanent leader of the municipal Cossack song ensemble “Pravoslavny Don”, was awarded the Don Army Cross. A number of Cossacks of the Rostov, Volgograd, Voronezh regions and the Republic of Kalmykia were awarded medals “For Special Merit”, “For Diligence in Service” and diplomas. After that, the present ataman of the Upper Don region M.M.Aleinikov made a brief excursion into the history of the region, told about the relevant work at present. He highly appreciated the work of the Museum workers and A.M.Sholokhov, Deputy of the RF State Duma. The celebration meeting was followed by a holiday concert joined by the Cossack ensembles “Donskoye Siyaniye”, “Stanichniki”, “Donskiye Uzory”, “Donchane” and “Pravoslavny Don” which performed Cossack songs favourite with the Don people. The people remember that important anniversary date.
Alexey Kochetov |