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Museum Collection
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7 (3%)
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204 (92%)
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Night of Arts in Sholokhov Museum, Our Favourite


Today, on November 4, 2018, the annual All-Russian cultural and educational action ”Night of Arts” mottoed “Art Unites” is held for the sixth time, and the website “Культура.РФ” has started showing the first all-Russian online voting “My Favourite Museum”.

We invite all to visit the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov and take part in the exciting events offered by our program “Night of Arts”.

You can take part in the first all-Russian online voting “My Favourite Museum” on the portal “Культура.РФ”. Join the action and vote for the Museum of M.A.Sholokhov, our favourite museum.

Each user can vote for his favourite museum once a day. The voting will last until November 26, 2018.

Look for the publications in social networks and add yours with hashtags #мойлюбимыймузей and #музейшолохова.