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Writer Alexander Lapin Visited Sholokhov Museum


During October 29–30, 2018, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was visited by Alexander Alexeyevich Lapin, a writer, journalist and public man.

Alexander Alexeyevich is the head of the Voronezh department of the Russian Foundation of Peace, President of the Federation of Traditional Karate “Fudokay”, and the author of the weekly TV program “Russky Vopros” (“Russian Question”). He is the member of the Union of Russian Writers.

A.A.Lapin has been engaged in writing since the late 1970s, a number of his books were translated and published abroad. His epic novel “Russian Cross” made him widely known.

Alexander Lapin is the winner of the RF Government Prize in the field of mass media, the National Prize “The Best Books and Publishers”, the International Valentin Pikul Literary Prize.

Alexander Alexeyevich went sightseeing about Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, Kruzhilin Village and Stanitsa Karghinskaya, saw the Museum sites and wrote some good words in the book of honored guests.


Nadezhda Rasskazova