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Action “My Native Street” Took Place in Stanitsa Karghinskaya


The final stage of the action “My Native Street” took place on October 18, 2018, in the secondary school named after M.A.Sholokhov in Stanitsa Karghinskaya. Here the young volunteers-researchers showed local history materials about the history of Stanitsa Karghinskaya which were collected by them.

One of the streets bears the name of captain Solovyov, and the Karghin students have done a lot of research about his feat. During the presentation they told about the brave pilot Alexey Alexeyevich Solovyov, who on July 14, 1942, waged an unequal air battle in the sky over Stanitsa Karghinskaya and having hit several enemy planes was badly wounded. Captain Solovyov managed to bring the falling plane outside the residential buildings. At night, hiding from the Germans the residents of the Stanitsa buried the brave pilot at a local cemetery.

Pavel Andreyevich Buryndin aged 14 at that time was a witness of the battle. He shared his memories about this air battle. The children and the veteran laid flowers at the tomb, where A.A.Solovyov was buried, and honored his memory with a minute of silence.

The action participants and guests visited the school Museum of Military Glory opened in 1990. The exhibition of the museum reflects the combat path of the divisions which liberated the Bokovsky District from the German fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War. As well, the museum keeps the materials about the 808th air regiment, where A.A.Solovyov served as commander of the 621st squadron.

The first stage of the youth action aimed at development of research activities in schools took place on October 11, in Kruzhilin Village.

The workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov expressed their gratitude to the volunteer groups for taking part in the action “My Native Street” and handed diplomas and memorable gifts to the students and teachers of the Kruzhilin and Karghin schools.

The action “My Native Street” was a bright event for the schools and residents, it attracted attention of the wide public to the volunteer movement and caused a desire among schoolchildren to study the history of their native land more deeply.

Svetlana Usova
Tatyana Shevtsova