Drawings by S.G. Korolkov
More than 20 drawings and paintings by S.G. Korolkov were acquired ...
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NewsSchoolchildren Took Part in the Entertaining “Phyto Marathon”16.10.2018The autumn environmental week in the homeland of M.A.Sholokhov was opened on October 15, 2018, with an entertaining game “Phyto Marathon” held by the Museum workers for the 5-form pupils of Andropovskaya school with a purpose of deepening knowledge in the plant biodiversity of the Don country. The plant world is diverse and mysterious. There are nearly half a million herb varieties, each having its features, its small secrets. A game of “Phyto Marathon” reveals the world of beautiful wildflowers and medicinal herbs, and teaches the pupils to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, fosters a sense of responsibility and love for nature. During the game the children with passion turned the wheel, which served as “a pointer” to the steps of the marathon, guessed the plants, shared their knowledge of the Don herbs and flowers. Such a non-standard way to study botany arouses children’s interest in all living things and teaches them to take care of the nature, of its huge and very vulnerable vegetable world.
Yelena Kazmina |