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Volunteer Action “Pure Springs – Pure Intentions”


The year 2018, is announced Volunteer Year in the Russian Federation by the Decree of the President of Russia V.V.Putin. In the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov a number of volunteer actions were held including one of them “Pure Springs – Pure Intentions” which was held on August 21, 2018, in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya by the Spring of the Don God Mother Icon and the territory adjacent to it.

The event was joined by the Museum workers and the volunteers of the Sholokhov Department of the All-Russian Public Organization “Young Guard of the United Russia” and children from the Donetsk People’s Republic staying in the sanatorium “Vyoshensky”.

The action is aimed at developing a caring attitude to the environment in the younger generation, forming an ecological culture and environmental awareness, informing about the Don Cossack traditions and customs associated with the caring attitude to the earth and its gifts.

From early childhood Cossacks cared for water. With a sip of clean spring water mothers bade a farewell to their sons, and wives saw off their husbands for the foreign countries and met them from the campaigns.

Springs were always revered in the Don country. They were taken care of, regularly cleaned, often awnings were installed over them, and a ladle was put near it for a traveller to quench his thirst on a hot day.

The volunteer action “Pure Springs – Pure Intentions” for cleaning the Spring of the Don God Mother Icon was a useful thing for the participants, it let them feel themselves a part of the big team of the Russian volunteers. The people go to the spring with good intentions, to scoop up icy clear water, have a drink of it and feel themselves a part of the wildlife. The spring keeps the wisdom of the ages, the history of the Don country and a source of life.


Yelena Kazmina
Oksana Turchina