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Children with Disabilities Visited Sholokhov Country


The annual action “Visiting Museum with All the Family!” for the children with disabilities and their parents was held on September 29, 2018, in Kruzhilin Village, the home country of the great writer.

The children from different villages and stanitsas of the Sholokhov District visited the house, where Misha Sholokhov was born, saw the objects surrounding the writer in his early childhood. Many of the household items were seen by them for the first time, and such a close contact with everyday culture of the Don Cossacks helped the disabled children understand how much the lifestyle has changed for the last 100 years.

A great attraction was the excursion about the Cossack farmstead of the late XIX – early XX centuries. The young visitors examined attentively each detail of the farmyard, the old agricultural implements, enjoyed meeting with domestic animals, many of which they saw only in pictures.

At the workshops the children made articles of bast and clay, painted funny butterflies and bugs, made bookmarks and drew figures on the film in stained glass technique.

The children and adults will remember that day in the old village of Kruzhilin with their bright emotions, new impressions and high spirits. Each child took a souvenir made by him.


Olga Karghina