A Letter from A.F.Zenin to Sholokhov
A letter of A.F.Zenin, January, 22, 1983. Sochi.
“Dear Mikhail Alexandrovich!
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NewsMuseums and Tourism – Ways of Interaction02.10.2018The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve took part in the seminar “Museums and Tourism: Integration of Museums in the Tourism Industry” held during September 27–October 1, 2018, in Sudak of the Republic of Crimea. The seminar was organized by the Regional Department of the Russian Union of Tourindustry (RUT) in the Crimea and Sebastopol jointly with a group of tourist companies “Kandagar”. The range of the seminar participants was very extensive – from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, besides, there came the representatives of the RUT regional department in Germany. The seminar business program included the talks by Irina Tyurina, the RUT press-secretary and the chief editor of RATA-News electronic newspaper, Boris Zelinsky, the leader of the RUT regional department in the Crimea and Sebastopol, the founder of the Company Group “Kandagar”, Dmitry Chukhno, General Director of the LLC “Mir Prekrasen” (Sebastopol). The members of the seminar discussed the problems, prospects and ways of interaction of the museums and tourist companies. The museum tourism is a constituent of the cultural and educational tourism, a travelling including obligatory visits to museums, historical centres of the cities, cultural sights and the sites of archaeological excavations. Introduction of compulsory interaction with museums into the tourist practice will enable the Russian tour operators to offer a more interesting and popular product of the cultural and educational tourism thus promoting a diversified development of the tourism industry and hospitality in the Russian Federation and increasing in the industry revenue.
Tatyana Zarubina |