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Welcome to the Magic World of Cinematograph


The guests of the literary ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Intercession Days” to be held on October 7, 2018, will be able to visit an old Cossack cinematograph and see unique fragments of the world cinema.

The first in the Upper Don cinematograph “Ideal” had already been famous long before the First World War. It attracted near and far grain deliverers to the mill of the enterprising Cossack Timofey Karghin. The white screen remembers the pictures of “the great silent”, and the walls of the “Ideal” heard the voice of young Mikhail Sholokhov, when he acted on stage in the plays of his own.

The visitors of the interactive exhibition “The Magic World of Cinematograph” will learn about the history of the first cinema in the Upper Don region and about the unique exhibits telling about filming of Sholokhov’s works and then they will get into the world of cinema.

The exhibition shows film projectors of different times, pictures from the shooting sets, posters.

The visitors will see the films of the “golden fund” of domestic silent films including “Saturnalia of Stenka Razin on the Volga” (1908), “Leo Tolstoy”(1910), “Defence of Sebastopol” (1911), “1812” (1912) and a unique cartoon “Revenge of Cinematographic Operator”(1912). They will also see fragments of the screen versions of Sholokhov’s novel “The Quiet Don” made in 1930, 1957, 1992, and 2015.

You are welcome to the exhibition “Magic World of Cinematograph”!


Tatyana Nektova