Uniform of M.M.Sholokhov
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NewsExhibition “The Study and World of the Writer” Starts in Dostoyevsky Museum05.09.2018On September 2, 2018, the Literary Memorial F.M.Dostoyevsky Museum in Saint-Petersburg started showing the travelling exhibition “The Study and World of the Writer” joined by the major literary museums of Russia. In the writer’s house the study always occupied a special place. It was a literary workshop, where his works were created. Here the author spent long hours reflecting on the fates of his personages, on the past, present and future of his Country, on the correctness of the way of life he had chosen. Most often the interior of the study was not accidental. Each writer brought there something from his labour, from the world he lived in and created. The photo artist Karp Pashinyan, the RF Honored Worker of Culture, Member of the Union of Journalists and of the Union of Designers of Russia, made an attempt to show through the interior of the studies of the great Russian writers and poets, who lived in different eras – from XVIII to XX centuries, the atmosphere reigning in the house and favouring for creative work and to grasp the connection of the creator with the world around him. Seeing the objects in the photos the visitors can assume what occupied their hosts at that time and trace the intellectual interests of the great writers. The first stage of the exhibition project of the Association of Literary Museums of the Union of Russian Museums is joined by 13 literary museums, then 9 ones more will join. The curator of the exhibition is the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. The route of the travelling exhibition runs through several regions of the country: it was opened in the State L.N.Tolstoy Museum in Moscow, then it was shown in the Museum-Reserve “Abramtsevo”, in the State A.S.Pushkin Museum-Reserve in Bolshiye Vyazyomy and in the All-Russian Museum of A.S.Pushkin in Saint-Petersburg. The exhibition run in the Museum of F.M.Dostoyevsky will be followed by that in the Museum-Reserve of A.S.Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye”. The first stage of the exhibition project will be completed early in 2019, in Nizhny Novgorod, Museum of A.M.Gorky. The exhibition “The Study and World of the Writer” will run until October 10, 2018, in the Literary Memorial Museum of F.M.Dostoyevsky in: 5/2, Kuznechny Lane, Saint-Petersburg.
Valery Yemelyanov |