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NewsJubilee “Sholokhov Readings” Started11.09.2018The XX “Sholokhov Readings” started working in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, in the excursion and exhibition centre “People’s House” of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. This annual scientific and practical conference devoted to the modern study in the work of M.A.Sholokhov has become a real basic platform for discussing pressing problems, concepts and approaches in the work of the Russian and foreign Sholokhov scholars. In different years its floor was taken by the most famous researchers in the writer’s work. The conference of 2018, held in the homeland of the writer, will last from 11 to 13 of September. It will be joined by over 20 doctors and candidates of sciences in the field of philology, culturology, pedagogics, philology students and researchers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. According to the tradition, on the first day, before the plenary meeting, the conference members laid flowers at the bust and tomb of the great writer. The jubilee “Sholokhov Readings” were opened by O.A.Anistratenko, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. She made a short digression into the history of the conference, which dates from 1985, and appreciated the contribution of the members of “Sholokhov Readings” in publication of the conference collected papers “Vyoshensky Vestnik” and the journal “Mir Sholokhova”, in preparation of the materials for “Sholokhov Encyclopedia” and in the work over the scientific edition of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. The conference was greeted by A.M.Sholokhov, Deputy Chairman of the Cultural Committee of the RF State Duma, President of the ICOM of Russia, who wished a successful work and new achievements. Also, a warm congratulation on the beginning of the forum work was sent by the daughters of M.A.Sholokhov – Svetlana Mikhailovna and Mariya Mikhailovna. The members of the conference presidium, N.V.Korniyenko and Y.A.Dvoryashin, doctors of philological sciences (A.M.Gorky Institute of the World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences) greeted the audience on behalf of V.V.Polonsky, Director of the Institute, and wished a successful work. A.A.Dyrdin, Doctor of Philological Sciences (the Ulyanovsk State Technical University), also called for a big talk about the Russian national genius. With great interest the literary scholars and other forum participants listened to the first talks: “The Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” in Scientific Edition: Updating the Text is Understanding Its Meaning” (Y.A.Dvoryashin); “«Pure Art» of Sholokhov in the Context of the Revolutionary Era” (N.V.Korniyenko); “Innovation of the Textological Preparation of the Scientific Edition of the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov (E.A.Tyurina, Candidate of Philological Sciences). The conference members were attracted by the talk of the translator Makarem Ismail Fares (Syria), a docent of the Kuban State University, about perception of the works of M.A.Sholokhov in Arab countries. The work of the XX “Sholokhov Readings” in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya goes on.
Alexey Kochetov |