Juicer “Braun”
The household electric juicer “Braun” belonged to the family of M.A.Sholokhov.
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NewsProject “Welcome to Don Cossacks” is Awarded the Prize “Events of Russia”17.09.2018The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov is awarded the Diploma of the Third Degree of the First Professional Tourist Prize “Events of Russia” in the nomination “Culture. Folk Festivals and Holidays”. Its final took place in Moscow on September 12, 2018. The Museum project “Welcome to Don Cossacks” submitted to the contest told about the cultural and educational program realized during the World Football Cup -2018 in Rostov-on-Don on the territory of Sholokhov-Centre, one of the Museum sites approved as one of the 8 official areas for holding cultural events, which was very popular with the residents and tourists from Russia and foreign countries. In all, the contest was joined by 211 projects from different parts of Russia. The All-Russian award in event tourism “Events of Russia” was established by the National Association of the Event Tourism Specialists as the first professional industry award in the field of event tourism to be conferred on the basis of an open competition of ideas, projects and the events held.
Natalya Trofimenko |