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NewsSholokhov Readings in the Don Region are Over13.09.2018The XX jubilee international scientific and practical conference on the modern study in the work of M.A.Sholokhov is over. Traditionally it is called Sholokhov Readings. The first conference speakers mentioned in the previous article were later followed by others including S.A.Vasilyev, Doctor of Philological Sciences (“Fragments of the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov in the Methodical Materials for the Final State Literature Examination: a View through the Prism of the Scientific Edition of the Novel”), L.B. Savenkova (“Love against the Background of Reality in Early Works by M.A.Sholokhov (linguistic research)”); the workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov – N.V.Kirsanova (“New Pages in the Ancestry of M.A.Sholokhov: Nikolay Petrovich Sholokhov”), L.M.Slyusarenko (“Translators of the Works by M.A.Sholokhov in Scandinavian Countries (the 1930–1960s)”); the South Federal University undergraduates – K.S.Maksyuta (“Face as an Antipathy Indicator in the Novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov”) and A.I.Mezhuyeva (“Epistolary Text as Reflection of the Spirit of the Epoch: Readers’ Letters to Sholokhov, the 30s of the XX Сentury”), and other participants. Besides, on September 12, in the afternoon, the conference members met with Japanese harpist Kyoko Tanaka, a student of Yoshie Abe, who in the prewar time visited M.A.Sholokhov in Vyoshenskaya with the purpose of interviewing the writer. Now, together with her classmate Yoko Otsuka they decided to visit the same places in the Upper Don region and other parts of Russia selecting the material for the future book about Yoshie Abe. Kyoko Tanaka told about her first harp teacher, her meetings with M.A.Sholokhov and his family in Vyoshenskaya and then in Japan, in 1966. The talk aroused a mutual interest and questions. It was followed by joint picture taking. On the final conference day, September 13, there was held a round table talk dedicated to the anniversary of Sholokhov Readings. T.O.Osipova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, a docent of the South Federal University, and L.P.Razogreyeva, general researcher of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, prepared a thorough overview of the history of the jubilee conference from the first meeting in 1985, up to the present day. The narration about the major milestones and curious nuances of Sholokhov Readings was accompanied by an interesting photo show. N.A.Kisel, Y.A.Dvoryashin, I.A.Balashova, N.V.Korniyenko, G.N.Vorontsova, and others, told about their views on the role of Sholokhov Readings in the analytics of Sholokhov studies. The conference proceedings will be published in an annual book “Vyoshensky Vestnik”.
Alexey Kochetov |