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Sholokhov Museum Invites to “Karghin Fair on Intercession Days”


On October 7, 2018, a literary ethnographic holiday “Karghin Fair on Intercession Days” will take place in Stanitsa Karghinskaya, in the Farmstead of Timofey Karghin. It is organized by the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov jointly with the administration of the Bokovsky District the Rostov Region.

In the XIX– early XX centuries, the Karghin Fair held on the Intercession Days, the days of celebration of the Army Day and the holiday of the 12th Don Cossack Regiment, was one of the most famous in the Don region. 100 years later the Museum-Reserve managed to revive the kind Fair traditions, and for the fifth time the lovers of Cossack old times will gather by the mill depicted in the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov to walk along the shopping booths, ask prices for goods of the visiting merchants, to take part in strongman competitions, in the workshops of arts and crafts, culinary lessons, and to listen to the folklore groups. The visitors will enjoy traditional swing and carousel riding, games and competitions for children, pleasure boating along the Chir River.

The guests of the Fair will join the ceremony of opening the bridge across the River Chir. It will connect the two banks and become a symbol of good changes, and will make a way to new fascinating events. The new bridge will lead to the orchard which will be laid in Karghin country, where the Nobel Prize winner in literature, member of the Union of Russian Writers, spent his childhood and youth. A vernissage of works of the Upper Don young artists and photographers will be opened there, and demonstrative horsemen performances will be shown.

The Karghin Fair will give pleasure for adults and children with new exhibitions and silent film shows in the cinematograph “Ideal”, excursion around the roller mill belonged to the rich Cossack Timofey Karghin, one of the first organizers of the Fair early in the XX century. This time the popular old photo studio will show a surprise for its visitors.

The guests of the Fair will have an opportunity to buy a giant ram at auction, to taste porridge cooked by housewives and to become a member of the people’s contest jury “Porridge is Our Strength!”

The guests will be able to have a horse or pony ride, to take tea with honey and hot rollers, and buy original souvenirs.

The Museum-Reserve welcomes everyone to “Karghin Fair on Intercession Days” on October 7, 2018!

Olga Bakhtiyarova