Russian Leather (Uft) Boots
For hunting and fishing outings M.A.Sholokhov used to wear Russian leather ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum Joined the Conference of the International Committee of the Literary Museums ICOM10.08.2018The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov joined the annual conference of the International Committee of Literary Museums and Museums of Composers ICOM held during August 38, in the Latvian cities of Riga and Jurmala. The conference gathered 91 participants from 27 countries. The workers of the literary museums and museums of composers discussed topical questions on the subject “Personality and Time in the Museum Exposition” regarding the development of modern technologies, creation and formation of literary museums and museums of composers, exhibition design and the problems of interpretation of historical events. Presentation of the organization features of the exhibition work “Open Air Novel” of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov aroused a bright interest of the conference participants and was appreciated by the international professional community.
Nataliya Tishchenko |