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Exclusive Photo in the Memorial Interior


Residents and guests of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya have a unique opportunity of making a photo taken in the memorial interior of the house at the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov, where the writer lived during 1949–1984.

Everyone can take a photo for memory near the table in the study and reception room, where the writer assorted the correspondence and talked with the visitors. Well-known people were also among the visitors of the writer. Here he hosted the film crew of the version “They Fought for Their Country” headed by the film director S.F.Bondarchuk, the writers A.Sofronov, A.Kalinin, V.Zakrutkin, the Finnish writer Marti Larni and many others.

The visitors can take photos in the sitting-room by the “Schröder” piano made in 1907, and bought by the writer in 1936, in the commission shop of Moscow. Composer I.I.Dzerzhinsky helped the writer to choose the instrument. Before the Great Patriotic War the piano stood in the house with a mezzanine. At present, the instrument stands in the sitting-room and has an excellent sound. Before the war M.A.Sholokhov often played music. After the war he did not sit down at the instrument.

“Schröder” is the most famous piano company of German Saxon masters and manufacturers, the Supplier of the Court of His Majesty the All- Russian Emperor. The families of Emperor Nicholas II, F.List, S.Prokofyev, S.Rakhmaninov, D.Shostakovich, S.Rikhter, and many others, played the “Schröder” pianos. The visitors can take photos in the memorial interior until the Memorial House of M.A.Sholokhov is closed for reconstruction. Take time to visit the house of M.A.Sholokhov and make an exclusive photo for memory!

Welcome to the Estate!


Yelena Popova