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Kruzhilin of Artisans Invites Folk Craftsmen


We invite masters of folk arts and crafts and traditional crafts to take part in the exhibition-fair of products of national craftsmen at the literary ethnographic holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki” which is to be held on September 2, at the Cossack Farmstead of the Museum-Reserve in Kruzhilin Village.

The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov revives the traditions of the Upper Don Cossacks, and during the ethnographic and folklore holiday it strives to demonstrate all the richness of the Upper Don cultural heritage.

During the holiday of “Kruzhilin Toloki”, masters and skilled workers, workshops, needlework clubs, centres of traditional culture, everyone, who creates beautiful things with an axe, saw, clay, paints, needle, threads, will have an opportunity to delight the residents and guests of Kruzhilin with the mastery and products, and to share the experience and creative ideas.

The exhibition-fair can be participated only by advance application. For information refer to Sergey Dmitriyevich Kochetov, tel.: +79034315203. The application can also be directed to the e-mail: mitrich1960@yandex.ru , sholokhov@sholokhov.ru indicating your first name, last name, and patronymic, a list of the products offered, the car model and number, and the contact telephone.

Welcome to “Kruzhilin Toloki”!