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Sholokhov Museum Joined the Scientific Conference in the Museum-Reserve of S.A.Yesenin


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov took part in the V All-Russian scientific and practical conference “Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage: Modern Problems and Their Solutions”, which took place during July 26–28, 2018, in the State S.A.Yesenin Museum-Reserve and the Oka State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

The conference opening ceremony was joined by the representatives of the Department of the RF Ministry of Culture in the Central Federal District, the Ryazan Region Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Department of the Ryazan Region Supervision of Nature, the Ministry of Land Use and the State Inspectorate for the Protection of the Ryazan Region Cultural Heritage Sites.

The conference was participated by the museums-reserves and museums-estates, natural reserves, national parks, the united directorate of the cherished natural areas, professional schools and universities, noncommercial and public organizations from 10 subjects of the Russian Federation: the Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Vladimir, Kaluga, Voronezh, Tula, Rostov, Ryazan regions, the cities of Moscow and Saint-Petersburg.

The workers of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov made a talk “Ecologic Literary Routes in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov”. The members of the conference exchanged their experience on the protection of the cultural and natural heritage in the cherished and historical cultural territories, discussed problem questions on the heritage. Besides, the speakers took part in the seminar held by the ecological and educational centre “Zapovedniki” (Reserves) (Moscow) and in the events dedicated to the 53d anniversary of establishing the State S.A.Yesenin Museum-Reserve.


Oksana Turchina