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Contest “Christening Gift”


We invite needlewomen of all ages to take part in the contest for the best and original “Christening Gift” and win the money prize. It will take place on September 2, 2018, during the holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki”.

You are to show your self-hand-knit kit for a baby – a cap and booties – for the holiday visitors to judge. The viewers and guests of the holiday will choose three most beautiful and original kits by badge voting. The winner, who receives the highest number of votes, will gain a money prize of 3000 rubles. The winners of the second and third places will get money prizes of 2000 and 1000 rubles accordingly.

Dear needlewomen, please, hurry to apply for participation in the contest before August 30, in the administrative centre of the Museum. Besides, you can declare your wish to join the contest on the day of the holiday in Kruzhilin Village on September 2, during 9.00–10.00.

You are welcome to the holiday “Kruzhilin Toloki”! Join the contest “Christening Gift” or become a member of the People’s Jury!