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“Old Lake” Estate will be Reconstructed in Shchebunyayevsky


The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve is preparing for reconstruction of the Estate “Old Lake”, one of the Museum sites which was donated to the Museum-Reserve in 2011, by the Order of the Rostov Region Governor.

In 2015, the reconstruction works of “Old Lake” were included in the federal target program “Culture of Russia”, and a positive conclusion by the Federal Autonomous Institution “General Department of the State Expertise of Russia” was received this year. At present, the reliability of determining the estimated cost of work is being examined with the competitive procedures held to determine the contractor afterwards.

The Estate “Old Lake” is situated near Shchebunyayevsky Village of the Sholokhov District. The site lying in the protected area, the architectural and artistic design of the buildings and structures was decided to carry out in the style of the Upper Don Cossack traditional buildings using traditional materials and techniques: wood carving (sandricks, trim), carved wooden entrance panels, proportions of buildings and structures, traditional lay-out of the kuren (Cossack house) and preservation of the traditional functionality – the first floor used for living areas, basement – for kitchen and dining room. The innovative technological solutions during the reconstruction will ensure implementation of sanitary, fire and water protection measures.

After the reconstruction the complex will become more attractive for lovers of nature and silence, fishermen and hunters.


Valentina Kabanova