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NewsAnniversary of the Publicly Favourite Actress09.07.2018On July 9, 2018, Zinaida Mikhailovna Kiriyenko, a theatre and cinema actress, pop singer, the RSFSR People’s Actress, the Winner of the USSR State Prize, marks her jubilee anniversary. The actress became famous and loved after her role of Natalya in the film “The Quiet Don” (1958) made by the film director S.A.Gerasimov. Zinaida Mikhailovna remembered: “I remember our coming to Vyoshenskaya in 1958, bringing the third series of “The Quiet Don”. The two series had already run, and the third one was decided to make and show to the residents of Vyoshenskaya. <…> There were so many people that the whole Don area seemed to gather there for our film. The people were greatly impressed. <…> Sholokhov said a lot of good words about the picture, he was excited, and we all were greatly thrilled. He called me Zinusha and said: ”This is the real Natalya. Well done, greatly”. The actress often came to Vyoshenskaya. Having visited the House-Museum of M.A.Sholokhov on May 27, 2000, the actress wrote: “Memories of our visiting the house on the premiere day of the third series “The Quiet Don” came flooding back”… Mikhail Alexandrovich was very generous praising us, cinematographers. It was a blessing to a long creative life. I am happy to be here again…” Zinaida Mikhailovna has performed over 40 works in cinema. Her most significant cinema roles are: Irina in the film “The Fate of a Man” (1959), Yefrosinya in the film “Earthly Love” (1975), Sanya’s mother in the film “Two Captains” (1976), Yefrosinya Deryugina in the film “Destiny” (1977). The images created by Z.M.Kiriyenko reflected strength and greatness of the Russian woman.
Yelena Popova |