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NewsExhibition of Modern Art “Aksinya” in Vyoshenskaya28.06.2018An exhibition “Aksinya” showing the works of the Moscow modern art masters – sculptor Vladimir Amodeo and graphic artist Galina Salikhova, started its run in the People’s House of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov on June 27, 2018. At the opening ceremony, Alexander Sholokhov, Deputy Chairman of the RF State Duma Committee for Culture, drew attention of the audience to the unusual exhibition for Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and for the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov: “In the literary memorial museum we used to see exhibitions of the classical literary museums. Now it is time for the residents and guests of the stanitsa to be shown modern art, the works of the masters showing a personality range,meaning and essence of the form.I’m glad to welcome the organizers of the exhibition, who understand and value art, who do their best to give an opportunity to the wide public to see and appreciate the unique works”. The director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov Olga Anistratenko thanked the organizers and authors of the works for the opportunity to meet with the newest art and said that in autumn the exhibition will be shown in Rostov-on-Don, in the exhibition area of Sholokhov-Centre. The exhibition displays about 50 bronze sculptures by Vladimir Amodeo, one of them is “Aksinya” made by the author specially for the exhibition in Vyoshenskaya and donated to the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. Vladimir Amodeo develops the “third trend” conventionally lined between “avant-garde” and “academy” which implies a certain balance between innovation and preservation of the traditional approach to art. The theme of Amodeo’s works is traditional,–“a living thing”, first of all, it is a woman. A woman that is full of forms and at the same time aesthetically delicate, a woman that could not only be seen outwardly but contemplated inwardly. “The main thing in my works is an image, plastics. My Aksinya is a strong-willed and determined woman; I tried to show these features of hers. Though, I confess, in the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by Mikhail Sholokhov I like Natalya more,” – the sculptor says. The exhibition is supplemented with nearly 30 illustrations to the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov, which a graphic artist Galina Salikhova drew in Indian ink specially for the exhibition “Aksinya”. “My works reflect images of Cossack women created in the screen versions of Sholokhov’s works. There you can see lyrical stories based on the three film versions of the novel made by different film directors – Gerasimov, Bondarchuk and Ursulyak”, the artist tells. Galina Salikhova following mainly an academic manner and turning to the familiar genres and themes creates a unique graphical context due to the emphasis of her personal and emotional attitude in her works. It is not so much an event, as an experience of it that makes the contest of her work. Accurately selecting the stories she creates “a gallery of states” making a picture of an emotional appearance of our time. The exhibition runs under the support of the Foundation for Modern art Development “Experiment Um” headed by Mikhail Glioza. He welcomed the guests: “I am honored to present the exhibition in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, the home country of the great Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov. I want the people to learn as much of his works as they can, the works that need to be comprehended anew. The books of Sholokhov discover the human soul, the soul of the Cossacks. The immortal novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” shows the fate of the people, the fate of the country. And it is very important for everyone”. The exhibition has become a real event. The first visitors made a long watch of each work, shared their impressions, disputed and asked the authors about their creative prospects. The exhibition “Aksinya” will run in the People’s House of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov (Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, 66, Podtyolkov Str.) during June 27 – July 29, 2018, from 9.00 to 17.00, without days off. |