A Wedding Wreath
Traditionally a wedding was thoroughly prepared on the Upper Don. In ...
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NewsSholokhov Museum will Show Exhibition of Modern Art13.06.2018On June 27, 2018, the People’s House of the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve under the support of the Foundation for Modern Art Development “Experiment Um” will open the exhibition “Aksinya” to show the works by Moscow masters – sculptor Vladimir Amodeo and graphic artist Galina Salikhova. Vladimir Amodeo is known as a master of surrealistic sculptures mainly female. The author underlines: “I create sculptures of women, because if to sculpt man, then in his hands there must be a gun or he must be doing something. But a woman can be sculpted just as it is. She is beautiful in itself”. The visitors will be shown about 50 works created by Vladimir Amodeo during 2014–2018. These are bronze sculptures sized mostly about 30 sm, and only three figures are 50 and 70 sm tall. One of the works is “Aksinya” created by the author especially for the exhibition in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. The sculptor said that the bronze Aksinya will be donated to the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The exhibition displays the works of bronze, but the master also uses wood and plastic in his works. Each sculpture by Vladimir Amodeo is an inner emotiondriven by the thought of perfection of the female body. The artist believes that a woman can be pictured without unnecessary details, and it is the simplicity and openness of the image that fill his works with profound meaning. One of the features of the silhouettes is their having no faces. According to the sculptor, this is a special design that allows him, without distracting the visitor for contemplating her face, to show the plastic of a woman, a movement similar to a dance. The sculptures by Vladimir Amodeo are shown in six museums of Russia, and now one of his works will be shown in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The exhibition of modern art is complemented with 30 illustrations to the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov made in Indian ink by graphic artist Galina Salikhova specially for the exhibition “Aksinya”. Following an academic manner and referring to the usual genres and themes she focuses on the personality-emotional attitude to the events. Graphics by Galina Salikhova is first of all a colour. In each work a colour composition is seen as a ground for harmonization of contrast combinations not only colour, but plastic ones as well. Accurately selecting the subjects, the artist creates a "gallery of states" allowing you to take a closer look at the emotional shape of our time. It is not the first joint exhibition of the Moscow masters; earlier they took part in the projects “Siluet”, “Sovremenny Russky Vatnik” and others. The exhibition will run in the People’s House of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov during June 27–July 8, 2018, from 9.00 to 17.00, without days off. |