An Autograph of Oles Gonchar
In our Museum there is a letter of Oles Gonchar, which ...
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NewsExhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” is Opened in Rostov-on-Don15.06.2018On June 15, 2018, in Rostov-on-Don, Sholokhov-Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov opened a big exhibition project “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” to tell about the life and work of the great Russian writer to the Rostov residents and numerous guests from different parts of Russia and foreign countries, who came to the Football World Cup Games. The exhibition displays over 400 museum items, mostly memoria, which for the first time left the writer’s house-museum in Vyoshenskaya. “Many of the things in this exhibition were never shown in any cities or countries but Vyoshenskaya and the house, where they were and will always be. It is a happy coincidence that the House-Museum is closed for the most serious restoration thus giving an opportunity for the rostovites and guests of the Football World Cup Games to see the things that could be shown only in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya”, – said A.M.Sholokhov, the grandson of the writer, Deputy Head of the RF State Duma Committee for Culture, opening the exhibition. I.A.Guskov, the First Deputy of the Rostov Region Governor,in his speech expressed his confidence that the exhibition would arouse interest not only in the admirers of Sholokhov’s work, but also in the wide public especially during the Football World Games -2018. He noted: “The rostovites and 200 thousand guests coming within a fortnight to the Championship will visit the exhibition “The Don. Sholokhov.Russia” and open new pages of our history, they will see the unique exhibits which belonged to the great creator, glorifier of the Don country, the Nobel Prize winner, and will have an opportunity of cultural dialogue”. Also, he noted that during the Championship-2018 Sholokhov-Centre will become one of the sign points on the map of the Rostov-on-Don cultural events. O.A.Anistratenko, Director of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, said that the exhibition runs until September 30, 2018, without days off, and on the Championship days the running time will be extended for the residents and guests to be able to visit the exhibition and take part in other events. The excursions will be held in Russian and in English. The central part of the exhibition is devoted to the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”, the most important work of the writer, the winner of the State (1941) and Nobel (1965) prizes. For the first time the wide public will be shown the authentic manuscripts of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” from the collection of the A.Gorky Institute of the World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences –five pages of the author’s text written by Mikhail Sholokhov during 1926–1928. Earlier these relics were available only for scientists. The visitors will learn about the history of the novel, the historical situation, where Sholokhov’s personages lived, will see a letter of M.A.Sholokhov to Kharlampiy Yermakov, the main prototype of Grigory Melekhov, photos of other personages’ prototypes, the first editions of the novel and books in foreign languages, a type-writer, a Cossack uniform, weapons of the late XIX century, battle awards – witnesses of the military glory of the Cossacks, graphic works by artists-illustrators Sergey Korolkov, Orest Vereisky and Yury Rebrov, and other unique exhibits. The exhibition displays the Nobel Prize diploma and medal, evening dresses of Mikhail Alexandrovich, Mariya Petrovna and their children – Svetlana, Alexander, Mikhail and Mariya; they were wearing them at the awarding ceremony, and other objects telling about that event. The name of Sholokhov inseparably connected with the Don country entered the top five of the most outstanding Russian writers and the list of the most influential Russians of the past century. The admirers of the writer’s talent and the people who have just discovered his work for themselves are interested in the life, the interior of his house; they try to feel the atmosphere reigning in the house when the host was living. The visitors will have a unique opportunity to see authentic things which belonged to Sholokhov and his family, things that were dear or served them for a long time. There are authentic hunting and fishing tackles of the writer, rare books and journals about hunting and fishing, memorial presents including a set of “matryoshkas” symbolizing the big and friendly family of the Sholokhovs, a tea set which the family used for their dear guests, and other unique exhibits. In the section “Memory”, a death mask of the writer will be shown for the first time in Rostov-on-Don. The exhibition will run daily, without days off, in: 125/69, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., Rostov-on-Don. Open hours: June 15 – July 1 from 10.00 to 21.00; July 2 – September 30 from 10.00 to 17.00 (Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 19.00). Tel. 210-90-14; 210-90-17 (cash desk); e-mail: rostov@sholokhov. ru During the Football World Cup Games in Rostov-on-Don, the residents and guests of the city can take part in the cultural educational program “Cossack Village” |