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Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will Show a New Cultural Program in Sholokhov-Centre


During the World Football Cup Games in Rostov-on-Don, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will present in Sholokhov-Centre a cultural and educational program “Cossack Village”. From June 155 to July 1, 2018, the residents and guests of Rostov will be able to watch the matches and learn more about the history, culture and traditions of the Don Cossacks – the hero of the world-known novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov and take part in the entertaining events.

On June 8, the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will begin its run to tell about the life and work of the great Russian writer of the XX century, whose name is inseparably connected with the Don country. Sholokhov’s books, the lifves of his personages reflect the fate of the people, the fate of Russia. And now the work of Sholokhov is of constant interest, his name is one of the top five outstanding Russian writers and is on the list of the most influential Russians of the last century.

The visitors will see over 400 museum items, mostly memoria, which for the first time left the house-museum of the writer in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya.

A greater part of the exhibition tells about the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A.Sholokhov, the outstanding work of the national and world literature, which was awarded the State (1941) and Nobel (1965) prizes. The wide public will see the manuscripts of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don” by the writer, his letters, the photos of the prototypes of his personages, a type-writer, the first publications of the novel and books in foreign languages. The visitors will learn about the history of the Don epic novel, the historical situation, where Sholokhov’ personages lived, will see a Cossack uniform, battle awards – the witnesses of the Cossack battle glory, graphic works by the artists-illuistrators Sergey Korolkov, Orest Vereeisky and Yury Rebrov, and other unique exhibits.

The success of the epic about the Don Cossacks, which aroused criticism of the ideologists of proletarian literature and with difficulty struggled its way to the reader, was stunning. In 1965, the novel was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature, and for 90 years it has remained one of the most popular among the readers and widely published works in our country and abroad. The exhibition shows the diploma and medal of the Nobel Prize winner Mikhail Sholokhov, evening dresses

of Mikhail Alexandrovich and his family they were wearing at the awarding ceremony in Stockholm, photos and documents telling about that event.


The visitors will see hunting and fishing tackles of the writer, who was an inveterate hunter and fisher, loved nature, which was a kind of a creative laboratory for him. A special interest is rare books and journals from Sholokhov’s library, personal belongings of Mikhail; Alexandrovich and his family, things that were dear or served them for a long time, memorial presents including a set of “matryoshkas” symbolizing the big and friendly family of the Sholokhovs.

The exhibition runs daily, without days off. The working hours: during June 8–14, and July 2 – September 30, from 10.00 to 17.00 (on Wednesday and Friday from 10.00 to 19.00); during June 15, – July 1, from 10.00 to 21.00. The excursions are held in Russian and English.

Daily, during June 15–July 2, from 16.00 to 21.00, Sholokhov-Centre, 125/69 Bolshaya Sadovaya, Rostov-on-Don, residents and guests of the city are invited to take part in the interactive cultural educational program “Cossack Village” and plunge into the bright world of the Don Cossacks.At that time the visitors will be shown concerts of the well-known folklore groups, workshops of arts and crafts of the Don country, tasting of the traditional Don Cossack dishes and lessons on homemade noodle cooking.

The interactive exhibition “History of Photography in the Upper Don Early in the XX century” will tell about the work of the photo studios in the Don Army Region. They will be able to have their photos taken for memory wearing Cossack dresses and in the interior of the old photo studio and to receive the picture in the original vignette of the last century.

During June 16 –21, from 19 to 21, everyone can join the “Cossack Ball” and learn how to dance old Cossack dances to the old Cossack songs.

For convenient visiting by the residents and guests of Rostov the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” and taking part in the cultural educational program “Cossack Village”, the Museum-Reserve significantly extends the working time of Sholokhov-Centre daily during June 15–July 1, from 10.00 to 21.00.

We invite everyone to Sholokhov-Centre and hope the days of the World Football Cup will be bright, festive and impressive. Welcome to Rostov-on-Don, 125/69, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str.

Tel.; 210-90-14, 210-90-17(cash desk).

E-mail: rostov@sholokhov.ru