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Exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will be Shown to the World Football Cup Participants


During the world football championship games, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve will show an exhibition “The Don. Sholokhov. Russia” in Sholokhov-Centre of Rostov-on-Don. It will tell about the life and work of the great writer, about the beauty of the Don country and about the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov.

The exhibition displays over 400 museum items, mostly memoria, which for the first time left the writer’s house-museum in Vyoshenskaya.

The central part of the exhibition is devoted to the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”, the most important work of the writer, the winner of the State (1941) and Nobel (1965) prizes. The visitors will learn about the history of the novel, the historical situation, where Sholokhov’s personages lived, will see a Cossack uniform, battle awards – witnesses of the military glory of the Cossacks who joined the military service and did their fighting exploits “For faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland”, pictures, drawings by artists-illustrators Orest Vereisky and Yury Rebrov, and other unique exhibits from the Museum collection.

The high international appreciation of the writer’s work was expressed by awarding him in 1965, the Nobel Prize in literature. For the Nobel awarding ceremony in Stockholm Sholokhov was accompanied by his wife, Mariya Petrovna, and their children – Svetlana, Alexander, Mikhail and Mariya. There are their evening dresses, which Sholokhov and his family were wearing at the awarding ceremony, and other objects telling about that event.

Studying the writer’s literary heritage the admirers of his talent are interested in the life Sholokhov lived, the interior of his house, they try to feel the atmosphere in the house in the time the host lived. The visitors will see authentic personal belongings of Sholokhov and his family, and the things that were dear for the writer or those served for him for many years. In the section “Memory”, there is a death mask of the writer, which is demonstrated for the first time in Rostov-on-Don.

The exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” will run in Sholokhov-Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov during June 8, – September 30, 2018.

Irina Koveshnikova