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We Pay a Tribute to the Son of the Quiet Don


May 24, is the birthday of Mikhail Sholokhov, the great Russian writer, who considered himself “a small particle of the people great and noble”, the Nobel Prize winner, famous all over the world.

The books by Sholokhov in all times will warm the hearts and souls of those whom he lived and worked for. And for us living in the Don country glorified by the great writer the words Motherland and Sholokhov will always stand side by side.

Today hundreds of admirers of M.A.Sholokhov bring flowers to the tomb and bust of the writer in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, to the monument and bust in Rostov-on-Don, to the monuments in Moscow, Nikolayevsk the Volgograd Region, Daryinskoye Village of the Republic of Kazakhstan and to other memorial places connected with the life and work of the great son of the Quiet Don.