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“Sholokhov Spring” Welcomes Guests!


During May 25–27, 2018, the hospitable Don country welcomes the all-Russian literary folklore holiday “Sholokhov Spring” dedicated to the birthday of the great Russian writer M.A.Sholokhov held under the support of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture.

The holiday is included in the National Calendar of Events, it is the winner of the Grand-Prix National Award in the field of event tourism “Russian Event Awards” in the nomination “The Best Event in Culture” and was awarded the Diploma of the National Award “The Facets of the Theatre of Mass”.

The cycle of the events dedicated to the birthday of the great writer began in April: it was opened with the literary contest of young reciters, masters and artists “Our Sholokhov” and a literary space bridge “Vyoshenskaya –Toronto”, where the museum workers and the representatives of the Toronto Russian House and the Russian-Canadian Cultural and Educational Society had a talk about the work of the Nobel Prize winner.

The literary ethnographic holiday “Steed is the Dearest for Cossack.Battle Art of Vyoshenskaya” held in May and the exhibition “The World of Sholokhov” opened on May 12, in Mumbai (India) were also dedicated to the birthday of M.A.Sholokhov.

In the regions of Russia there are held research and practical conferences, readers’ conferences, literary hours and local history reviews, theatrical performances, exhibitions, festivals and contests on the works of M.A.Sholokhov.

One of the main events held before the writer’s birthday will be a presentation devoted to publication of the novel “M.A.Sholokhov. “And Quiet Flows the Don”. Scientific Edition: in 2 Volumes” (Moscow, RAS, 2017) timed for the 90th anniversary of publication of the first book of the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”. The presentation will be held on May 22, at the A.M.Gorky Institute of the World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This event important for the home literature and science will be joined by Alexander Sholokhov, Deputy Head of the RF State Duma Committee for Culture, Vadim Polonsky, Director of the Institute of the World Literature, Sergey Shargunov, Deputy of the RF State Duma, a writer, Zakhar Prilepin, a writer, Alexander Kudelin, Academician of the RAS, Natalya Korniyenko, the RAS Correspondent Member, scholars, who prepared the edition, and literary critics.

On May 24, the writer’s birthday, the ceremonies of laying flowers at the tomb and bust of the writer will take place in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya, and at the bust and monument of the writer in Rostov-on-Don. On this day, Sholokhov-Centre in Rostov-on-Don will invite for an open discussion “A Word about Sholokhov” and for a concert program “Sholokhov Bequeathed Forever”.

During May 25–26, a big program will be shown at the All-Russian Literary Folklore Holiday “Sholokhov Spring”. It will be opened on May 25, Friday, by a children holiday “Vyoshenskiye Vesnushki” which will be held in the central square of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya to continue with “Children’s Sholokhov Spring” in Stanitsa Karghinskaya. In the afternoon, the Palace of Culture in Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya will hold a publicistic and artistic party “I will have Finished “And Quiet Flows the Don” by All Means!” devoted to the work of M.A.Sholokhov. The concert program will include the performance of the famous ensembles and folk groups from the Republic of Kazakhstan, from Stavropol, Penza, Moscow and others.

In the morning of May 26, the residents and guests will see a theatrical procession of the folk groups singing and dancing while moving along the central street. A fair of arts and crafts, singing and dancing performances, meetings in the Cossack kurens (houses) will run in full swing.

A folklore holiday in Kruzhilin Village, the writer’s homeland, will gather villagers and guests for a merry festival. In Stanitsa Karghinskaya the guests of “Sholokhov Spring” will be offered a thematic excursion program “M.A.Sholokhov. The Beginning of the Writing Career”.

The People’s House of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov will hold a session of the “Literary Club” participated by writers and poets of the Rostov, Voronezh and Volgograd regions.

In the evening, the viewers will be shown a gala concert “The Fate of a Man is the Fate of the Motherland” on the River Don floating stage followed by festive fireworks. The gala program will be performed by the actors from the Arkhangelsk, Astrakhan, Vladimir, Volgograd, Vologda, Voronezh, Kostroma, Lipetsk, Moscow, Penza, Rostov, Saratov regions, the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic.

Tours to memorial places and natural sights of the Sholokhov country will be organized during the holiday. The exhibitions of the Museum-Reserve will work

longer. On Friday, May 25, the Museum is open during 9.00–18.00, on Saturday, May 26, – 8.00–21.00.

Welcome to the All-Russian Literary Folklore Holiday “Sholokhov Spring”!