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International Museum Day in Sholokhov Museum


On May 18, International Museum Day, the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov holds an Open Day and invites to visit the exhibitions in Vyoshenskaya, Karghinskaya, Kruzhilin Village and in Rostov-on-Don. The entrance to all the Museum facilities is free of charge.

The visitors of the Museum will be shown permanent exhibitions telling about the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov, the importance of his spiritual heritage for the world literature, about the history, culture and traditions of the Don Cossacks.

On these days temporary exhibitions are running in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. The Sholokhov-Centre (Rostov-on-Don) shows the exhibition “And again I am Travelling…” devoted to the life and work of Sergey Yesenin.

In the Excursion and Exhibition Centre “People’s House” of Vyoshenskaya, the visitors will be shown “Great Kursk Bulge” from the Belgorod State Historical and Artistic Diorama Museum “Kursk Battle.Belgorod Destination”, where unique exhibits are displayed: the banners of the military units taking part in the battle of Kursk and liberating Belgorod, small arms and cold steel, photos, documents, fighting awards of the Red Army soldiers and commanders, uniforms and equipment of the warring parties.

Here, in the People’s House, you can see the exhibition “Brilliant World of Alexander Grin”. It shows authentic objects telling about the life and work of Alexander Grin and about the role of the Crimea in the literary career of the romantic writer.

On May 19, an annual all-Russian action “Night of Museums” dedicated to the International Museum Day will be held under the support of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture. On this day, during 18–22 o’clock, Sholokhov-Centre of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov in Rostov-on-Don will offer the guests an interesting program: exhibitions, theatre sketches, a concert, workshops and museum classes.

We send our congratulations on the International Museum Day to our museum colleagues and museum visitors! Remember, please, our Museum switched to summer operation to work without days off. Welcome to Sholokhov country!