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Victory Day was Celebrated in Vyoshenskaya


The Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov celebrated the 73d anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War and joined the "Immortal Regiment" procession together with the countrymen of Vyoshenskaya.

In the morning of May 9, 2018, thousands of people gathered in the central square of Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. Many of them were wearing Guards ribbon on their chests. Songs of the war years were heard.

Before the general march to the stanitsa’s memorial “The Oath”, the museum workers, according to the tradition, laid flowers at the tomb and the bust of M.A.Sholokhov, a war veteran, retired colonel, Cavalier of military awards, and a writer.

The peoplewith special feelings participated in the multimillion all-Russian march "Immortal Regiment". Hundreds of names and surnames could be read under the photos of our dead countrymen, who fought on the fronts or selflessly worked in the rear. Among the portraits of the family members and relatives, who fought against fascism, there was a portrait of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov. The procession went from the River Don to the bed of honor, where a ceremonial meeting was held.

Representatives of the local and district administrations, military enlistment office and young people made their speeches at the meeting. The holiday of the Great Victory Day ended with laying wreaths at the bed of honor, which keeps those who at the cost of their lives prevented the Nazis from crossing the Don, and who paid their blood to ensure that Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya and Stanitsa Yelanskaya should bear a proud name “The Border of Military Valour”.


    A. Kochetov