A Palekh Portrait of M.A. Sholokhov
A portrait of M.A. Sholokhov, made in 2005 by an old ...
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NewsVolunteer Action “The Forest You will Plant”27.04.2018On April 25, 2018, a volunteer action “The Forest You will Plant” was held in the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov. It took place in the forest park “Pearl of Eurasia”, where original species compositions were created to symbolize the places where the outstanding writers and poets were born, lived and worked. The action was joined by over 100 people, adults and children from different districts of the Rostov, Volgograd and Orenburg regions, the republics of Kalmykia, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia and the guests from Kazakhstan and the Lugansk People’s Republic. The young ecologists from Kalmykia brought saplings of cherry, gladichia, teresken, juzgun, elm, loch and golden currant. The Republic of North Ossetia sent beech, Kabardino-Balkaria presented saplings of spruce fir, oriental beech and hornbeam. Among the volunteers who took part in the action there were museum workers, members of the all-Russian socio-political youth organization “Young Guard of United Russia”, forestry managers and the members of the rally of the children and youth movement “Sholokhov Source”. They planted the saplings presented by the young ecologists and laid out a birch grove. In all, over 500 plant species were planted. The volunteer action “The Forest You will Plant” became not only a very useful real thing aimed at improving the environmental situation on our planet and upbringing love in children for the native nature, but also an event of international importance contributing to strengthening friendship between the younger generation of different countries and peoples.
Yelena Antashevskaya |