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7 (3%)
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204 (92%)
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Students will Join the Contest on the Works of M.A.Sholokhov


Senior students and young people can take part in the contest “The Beginning of the Writing Career of M.A.Sholokhov (“Tales from the Don”, “The Tulip Steppe”)” dedicated to the 113th anniversary of M.A.Sholokhov. The contest regulations and tasks will be posted on the website of the Museum-Reserve on April 20, 2018.

The contest is held remotely. Having downloaded the tasks to your computer and done them the contestants can send their answers by e-mail.

The children are to answer the quiz and test questions, to find the said text fragments and solve the crossword puzzle and rebus. Answering the questions the students will learn about the features of the early period in the literary work of the writer, will have an idea of the life and language of the Don Cossacks in the early XX century, about the lives of the Cossacks in the years of the Civil War.

The contest winners and laureates will be awarded diplomas, memorable gifts and letters of thanks.

The contest regulations and tasks will be posted on the website of the Museum-Reserve on April 20, 2018. The answers are accepted before May 24, 2018, in: omp-2014@yandex.ru.