Letters from the Archives of B.S.Lashchilin
50 letters of the late XIX – early XX centuries from ...
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NewsThe Life of the Great Writer in Theatre10.04.2018During April 4–6, 2018, a creative group of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov visited Sovetskaya and Bokovskaya stanitsas, Kashary Village, towns of Millerovo and Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, where they presented a literary theatrical composition “My Dear…” The viewers heard a heartfelt story about the life and work of M.A.Sholokhov, his family, relatives and friends, about the atmosphere of kindness and love reigning in the house, about simple everyday joys and adversity they had to survive. Like pages of the family album the pictures changed on the big screen – a photo chronicle of the Sholokhovs’ family. In the house there were many schoolchildren and students who learned new facts of the life of the great writer. The children, their teachers and parents sincerely thanked the performers of the Museum-Reserve for the opportunity of touching the art.
Tatyana Galitsyna |