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Sholokhov Museum at the XIII International Tourist Exhibition “Intourmarket-2018”


The exhibition “Intourmarket-2018” finished its run in the Moscow exhibition centre “Crocus Expo” on March 12, 2018. It was joined by the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve. That international platform showed a tourist potential of 74 subjects of the Russian Federation and foreign tour operators.

The Rostov Region section was designed according to the visual concept developed within the framework of the marketing strategy of the tourist attractiveness of the region. All the elements of the composition illustrated the atmosphere of freedom and openness of the Don country, its diversity, hospitality and generosity.

The Rostov Region section was very popular. On the first day of the exhibition run, on March 10, it was visited by the official delegation headed by Vitaly Mutko, Vice-President of the Russian Federation Government for Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy, and Oleg Safonov, Head of Rostourism, followed by the leaders of the delegations of many Russian regions.

For the first time there was held an action "Greetings from the Don" jointly with the Rostov branch “Post of Russia”. Any visitor could write a postcard with pictures of the Don country sights and post it for free to his family, relatives and friends using the letter-box fixed just in the section, on the wall.

Another attraction of the section was an interactive action “Travel Generator” – a raffle of travels to the free Don in a new game format. Any visitor turned the reels, answered the question he got, and if the answer was right, he was given a prize. Vitaly Mutko also joined the raffle of travels answering the question: “What unique tree grows near Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya?”

The National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve presented new tour programs, colourful booklets about the structures of the Museum-Reserve and an event calendar 2018. The most popular was the booklet of Sholokhov-Centre, one of the structures of the Museum-Reserve of M.A.Sholokhov, which during the FIFA World Cup-2018 will become a platform for workshops, excursions and Cossack group concerts. Besides, Sholokhov-Centre will show the exhibition “The Don.Sholokhov.Russia” to display authentic manuscripts of M.A.Sholokhov, rare editions of his works, memoria, a number of which will be shown for the first time, and unique items of the late XIX – early XX centuries.

Joining the exhibition “Intourmarket-2018” the Museum-Reserve supported its image among the tourist organizations of Russia and attracted tourists from the regions, where Sholokhov country is considered to be a new and little known destination.


Tatyana Zarubina
Marina Furmanova