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Taiwan Ambassador in the Don Country


During March 8–10, 2018, the National M.A.Sholokhov Museum-Reserve was visited by the Head of the Representative Office of the Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic, Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation in Moscow, Mr. Ambassador Xie Utsyao and his wife.

Mr. Ambassador lives in Russia only a few months, and we are very glad he began learning about our big country, on the advice of Shu Ping Ling, a friend of our Museum, with the native land of Mikhail Sholokhov.

Within those days, the guests visited the house, where the future writer was born, they learned about the way of life of the Don Cossacks at the turn of the XIX–XX centuries, visited the Parish school, where Misha Sholokhov studied, learned about the flour production process in the early XX century at the mill of T.A.Karghin, which was depicted in the novel “And Quiet Flows the Don”, and saw a silent film in the cinematograph “Ideal”.

In Stanitsa Vyoshenskaya they visited the central structure of the Museum-Reserve – the Estate of M.A.Sholokhov, travelled bout the Historical Literary Exhibition “M.A.Sholokhov. Time and Life”, visited the Museum Stables, where they learned about the role of the horse in the life of Cossacks, treated the horses with a delicacy and had a sled ride. The guests were brightly impressed by Lebyazhy Yar, a natural monument and a favourite pace of the writer.

Leaving, the honorable guests thanked the Museum for the cordial welcome and hoped for the early meeting and further fruitful cooperation.


Galina Smirnova